FMC 2020 is open. In London, as we have published, we have opened a new edition in the presence of invited film and music guests.
Our new juror Lee Oskar, who played a mix of blues melodies together with the latest compositions on his Lee Oskar Harmonicas personally attended the opening from Seattle, WA.
The piano version of original composition 7 Wonders of Košice was presented by FMC’s artistic director V. Železňák junior
and the song “Venetian suite” by our English juror Paul Wiffen was played in the piano version.
Finally, the ambassador of the Slovak Republic in London, the Mayor of Košice and the Artistic Director of the FMC opened the competition by symbolically pressing the enter key.
Video coming soon here.
Everything is in your hands now, choose one of the categories closest to you and join the contest. We wish you a lot of inspiration for your musical compositions and we are looking forward to hear them together with the jury. We wish you good luck.